

Danza Nomade in Caracas, Venezuela
May 19 till 31 Caracas, IUDANZA - Venezuela - workshops and research
May 22, Chacaito metro station, performance "Nacida en primavera", Caracas
May 23, La Paz metro station, performance " Nacida en primavera", Caracas
May 24, Plaza la Candelaria, performance "el cuerpo en transición", Caracas


September 7th, The Meeting Point at Temporary Home, presents
Temporary Inhabitants dance instalation with Johanna Chemnitz, Svenja Rhode, Yuko Sato, Teresa Mayer, Chih Lin Chan, Nannette Werthmann and Valeria Primost.

August 23, The Meeting Point at Temporary Home
music and dance instant composing with Eleanor Bauer, Svenja Rohde, Valeria Primost (dance) and Marcos Baggiani (drums)


October 20th till November 5th 2006, The Meeting Point in Caracas and San Felipe, Venezuela
Workshops for the Instituto Universitario de Danza de Caracas and the Regional Dance Academy of San Felipe. Performance at Chacao Theatre in the context of the "I Encuentro de Danza Universitaria - Artes Integrales". Urban intervention with students at Estacion Parque del Este, in the context of the project "Escenario Urbano", for the recuperation of public spaces


November 20th 2005, Parque Rodo, Festival Montevideo sitiada, Montevideo Uruguay
Francisco Lapetina, Marcos Baggiani, Inés Armas, Edwin Moturi, Nina Fajdiga, Catalina del Castillo, Valeria Primost.


December 13th 2004, Punto de Encuentro, Sur Despierto, Buenos Aires, Argentina
With: Montse Roig, Martin Inthamoussu, Valeria Primost, Marcos Baggiani (drums), Carlos Fagin (piano), Nacho Pola (lights).